Social Responsibility
OOS International invests in people and the environment worldwide. Not only because we care about our employees and business relations in and around our office locations, but we believe we…
OOS International invests in people and the environment worldwide. Not only because we care about our employees and business relations in and around our office locations, but we believe we…
Serooskerke, The Netherlands 18th of May 2018 The Gambia is one of the poorest countries in the world. There is a lack of many things, especially medication, good medical care,…
During this season, we take time to reflect upon the best things we have like our relationships. We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to all our employees, clients, partners and other business relations we appreciate working with.
OOS International together with other companies will sponsor Dutch ambitious team 24Vision with their international challenge on Amsterdam Dakar 2017. Like OOS International, this team with mechanics who are not…
OOS International has sponsored the last school day of the year of the “Wegwijzer”, an elementary school at Serooskerke. OOS arranged a summer holiday party for all the school children…
OOS International supports the project “Spinning for Sophia”, from Sophia Children Hospital. The Erasmus MC-Sophia focusses on care, education and research concerning illness and health of children from 0 to…
Our team within the office in Macaé did a wonderful job helping an elderly house in Brazil improve the quality of life by providing food and hygiene facilities to these…
OOS International has started 2016 with great healthy resolutions! At Office Serooskerke employees get a membership at the local gym since January and the company fitness lessons are once a…
We have a strong commitment to financially support education, but we also contribute to the social and intellectual development of young children as our future talents. One of our special…
Office Macaé- Brazil has performed a solidary gesture towards the retirement home Casa do Idoso during Christmas 2015 A retirement home – sometimes called an old people's home, or a…